This week was the first week I had gone into Wednesday night worship without a theme or song to build off of. Last week, I had asked Corrie to give me a few ideas, and I built off of those. The week before that, mom had given me a song title and I had built off of that. Every week before that, someone had either helped me pick songs, I had been given a theme, or someone else had picked out the songs, entirely. Granted, not all of those weeks was I the "leader" of the worship team.
We opened with the song "Indescribable," by Chris Tomlin. As the title hints, the song is about how God, Himself, is indescribable. The lyrics, themselves, state, "Indescribable, uncontainable; You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name. You are amazing, God." Oddly enough, this happens to be Chelsie's favorite worship song, or so she claims. We had a bit of trouble, before we actually sang, figuring out who was going to sing it. I had to drop it down a key if I wanted to sing it, but we tried having Elissa lead it while it was in the original key. Didn't work out so well.
The second song was "Unfailing Love," by Chris Tomlin. This song simply states that God's love is eternal. It is pure. It is... well... unfailing. The chorus says, "Praise You, God of earth and sky. How beautiful is Your unfailing love (unfailing love). And You never change, God, You remain the Holy One of my unfailing love (unfailing love)." In all honesty, this song was simply chosen because of the simple message it states. It happened to fit into the theme of the songs.
The final song was "How Great Is Our God." Something happened during this song and I don't think I want an explanation as to what. In the middle of the song, I began to pray, thinking I would end the worship set with that, but as I talked, I realized that my hands were continuing the song, without fail! Rarely am I able to talk and play a song without messing up. After praying and realizing that the song went on perfectly and the prayer ended right before I got around to the beginning of the chorus again, I lead the youth with the chorus one last time. Elissa then closed in prayer and Chelsie took the lead as the preacher for the night.
She spoke on some prophetic stuff. It's actually very neat. Before Bush is out of office, a Tsunami will strike California. Also, there've been an increasing number of reports of twelve and thirteen year old kids claiming that Jesus has shown up and told them that He's returning in their generation. The same generation that I, as well as nearly all of my friends, am a part of. It's exciting! But, this also means that persecution will come, as well. That part isn't as exciting. Heh.
God Bless,