When I heard that the youth were going to lead a service for the adults, a few weeks ago, I was actually rather nervous. I hadn't the foggiest idea what we were going to do for music, for a message, or, really, anything at all! My mother was insistent that we do this, though, no matter how negatively people reacted. I tried to stay with an open mind and let God lead it on.
Oh boy did He ever.
After spending all day preparing, we set into the service. We opened with a song. The song is about Heaven's gates flinging open wide and God's presence (or He Himself) pouring out of them. The song is, "Did You Feel The Mountains Tremble?" The thing I love about playing music to the mixed crowd of the adults and some younger people is that they get into the music, even if they don't want to. It's encouraging.
After the song, mom spoke a message about God's spirit pouring out (if you read the last paragraph, you might see something similar in there). In all honesty, I didn't pay attention. We had heard a much better sermon on the same subject at camp. Finally, mom called the worship band back up.
This time, we were up there for actual worship. We did the same set that we played on Wednesday night, except I did a lot more directing with my voice, during the songs. I'm starting to get the hang of actually leading the songs. Another point of interest was that Corrie's mic was up a tad louder than she was used to and you could hear her, clearly. She claims this has boosted her confidence a bit, and I'm totally going to run with that. All in all, the worship set was very successful.
After worship was done, things were moved around while I and another youth named Ariana threw on white robes. I also threw on a purple/pink sash (I thought it was purple, but many insisted that it was pink), as I was going to represent Jesus in a drama/dance hybrid that my friend Chelsie Pope thought up. It was, basically, a drama/dance that talked about sleeping/dead Christians waking up to God, then falling away. It then shifted to the last days and people were persecuting. All the while, Ariana, who represented the Holy Spirit, was speaking to those who would hear her. I, representing Jesus, slowly drew closer to the main action. As the persecuting scene was going on, I looked on, then stepped into the area. According to the Bible, every knee will bow to Jesus, so everyone, even those persecuting, bowed as I stepped down. This was the closing scene of the dance/drama.
Ariana and I changed out of our robes as quickly as possible and helped re-set up the stage for the final event: more worship.
The songs we did, this time, were "The Stand," and "Shout Unto God," by Hillsong. We also prepared to do "Fire Fall Down," also by Hillsong, but we didn't.
"The Stand," is a very emotional song that speaks of how God has always been here, is still working today, and works in our lives. In an effort to give back to Him, we realize, "What can I say? What can I do?" As you ask yourself these questions, you realize, "I can only offer myself to Him." Thus, the song leads to the point, "So I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned, in awe of the One who gave it all. I'll stand, my soul, Lord, to You surrendered. All I am is Yours." The only thing that we, truly, can give back to God is ourselves.
"Shout Unto God," being one of my favorite worship songs, was the real hard hitter, at least, in my opinion. I love making noise for Jesus, and this song provided the opportunity to. The lyrics are a simple statement that "the enemy" has been defeated. Satan has already lost! Death couldn't hold Him down. He defeated death, hell, and the grave when He rose from the dead! The rest of the song is simply a victory cry unto God.
As the songs were being played, you could feel the presence of God, Himself, in that place. It is the first time that I have been the one to lead a worship service where God has come down into the place. It was ended by repeating the bridge and chorus of "The Stand," and then the service was closed.
Now, I've finally picked out another worship set for Wednesday night, and I sit here, remembering last night. I know that I, and the team of people that God has gifted me with, can successfully lead worship for an entire congregation. God has anointed our little group. I sit here, a happy man, knowing this.
God Bless,
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