Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Why Fresh Prince of Bel Air is the Best Show Ever

I think I've seen every episode of this particular show. I still have memories of sitting up from midnight to six AM watching marathons of it in the middle of the summer, yet I always remember one particular aspect of it that caught my attention: How serious the show could get.

When you think of "Fresh Prince," most people simply think of some goofy college-aged kid making jokes about how fat his uncle is and talking about how great life was back in Philly. When I think of the show, I remember some of my favorite scenes, in particular the one where Will's dad walks out of his life, yet again.

I sat up, around 3:30 AM, talking with my friend Chad about the reality of this episode and, eventually, it turned into a discussion about my father, which I hate talking about. Of course, my situation with my dad isn't near as bad as this, but I still don't see him, nor hear from him, for up to a year at a time, sometimes more, and, yes, that upsets me. The discussion turned into a discussion about child support, like always, though, and we arrived at the same conclusion, as usual: money is no replacement for a parent.

Another scene that's always been one of my favorites is the scene where Will takes a bullet for Carlton, and the few scenes right after it:

Unlike the previous scene, I've never discussed this one with anyone, since I can't connect with it, personally. However, I still love the scene for how out of character Will and Carlton seem... and then you realize that Will is the responsible one, whereas Carlton is the immature one, no matter how backwards the rest of the series makes that out to be.

I've got to get the boys' pizza rolls out of the oven before they burn.

God Bless,



Guinevere said...

I always liked Fresh Prince too. The whole chemistry of the cast just worked. It's funny watching it now...seeing how far Will Smith has come. Fresh Prince came out right on the heels of his floundering music career. Still cracks me up when I think about DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince. Almost as much as when I think about Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch...Marky Mark now being known as Mark Wahlberg, actor. {:o\ lol

Ruthie Oberg said...

I haven't watched much Fresh Prince; in fact, I don't think I've ever seen an entire episode. No real reason...just haven't watched much.

I was blessed in that even though my parents divorced my mom still stayed in pretty constant contact. She lived 2 hours away but always made it there in time to pick me up for my weekends. I never had to worry about whether she was going to show up or not. I've seen many of our foster kids go through this - waiting on their folks who don't show or hoping that THIS TIME they will keep their promises.

I really liked the line about "your kids aren't supposed to be there for you...you're supposed to be there for them." Cool!